Creative Minds, 2002

October 01, 2001
Creative Minds is back with a new look and a new contest session.  Please start your nominations!


November 5 :
              Nominations have been uploaded. As well as new judges have been added. I still need more though, and I REALLY need nominations. Come on Ppl! You're gettinga  free Manga! Nominate!

September 30 :
First update! WHOOHOO!
* "Nominate" page has been redone. The form decided it didn't want to send so I had to redo it the old fashion way with emails. I still hope to get nominations, and hopfully the form will be back up soon.
* The Nominees pages have been created and uploaded.
* All other updates will be uploaded on the Saturday of every week.

*Nebular Ties Web Collective*Dragon's Quill Web Collective*

All series within are property of their respective companies. No money is being made
in the production of this site. Please see the Copyrights Page for specifics.

All art within is property of the artists. Do not take without permission!
Graphics and Design co. Ryu~Itsutsu and Cassiopeia.

Art for rules provided by Su-chan.